About company

The company Golpretech Czech Republic s.r.o. deals with the technique for winding, unwinding and cutting material in various processes of the manufacturing industry.

About us

The selection of reliable suppliers, large stocks and our own production enable us to be highly flexible in meeting your requirements. A wide product portfolio makes us a supplier of a complete solution for your machines.

Experienced staff are able to offer on-site service and solve even the most demanding tasks in your process.

The company was founded in southern Moravia, in a place with a strong tradition of the engineering industry. Competence and technical skills are based on more than 10 years of experience in the market.

A wide product portfolio makes Golpretech a supplier of complete solutions for your machines.

The company's products are known in all corners of Central Europe, in France, Germany, Great Britain and other countries.

Golpretech in numbers

We drive so many kilometers for customers every month
We drank so many liters of coffee this year
3,2 mil
So many kilometers of material have already been unrolled by our machines

And we aim higher and higher

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